Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Children as Witnesses of Domestic Violence - 1598 Words

There is a preconceived notion that all families are a â€Å"great big happy family†, unfortunately this is entirely false for a hand full of families; not all families are filled with love and joy, a few possess a very dark side (Sev’er, 2014, pp. 273). This dark side is the violence that occurs within the family, whether it be child abuse or domestic violence. Domestic violence is defined as violent or aggressive behaviour within the home, typically involving the violent abuse of a spouse or partner (Oxford Dictionary). Although there are instances where women are violent, Kimmel and Holler (2011) state â€Å"most family violence is perpetrated by males - husbands beating wives, fathers hitting children, sons hitting their parent, boys hitting†¦show more content†¦As mentioned before and regarding gender, women are far more likely than men to be victims of domestic violence (Kimmel and Holler, 2011, 375). Sev’er (2002) suggests an interesting finding regarding men and women who have fallen victim or have witnessed domestic abuse in their childhood. In her findings, Sev’er concluded that in comparison to non-violent men, violent men were three times more likely to have witnessed violence as a child, meanwhile, women who were raised in violent homes were twice as likely to fall victim to a form of domestic violence as opposed to women who were not raised in non-violent homes (109). As a child, if their role models, such as their fathers, got away with violence, they would assume that violent behaviour was acceptable (Sev’er, 2002, 109) Children as Witnesses Domestic violence that occurs in the home, will of course, hurt a child in one for or another; either being the target of the violence or by witnessing the issue. In interviews conducted by Sev’er (2002), many mothers stated that children get hurt because they happen to be around when their mothers are being attacked (105). 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